Friday, September 7, 2012

And we're off!

Wed. 9/5 3:15pm
My head is still not on this trip yet. It's scanning the memory of my bedroom, bathroom, kitchen--what did I forget? Something, I know. But oh well. My luggage is heavy enough that I must have all that I really need. Pulling it through Marta sparks the memory in my back of trekking the streets of Italy with this in tow. Same suitcase, same purse, same shoes. My preparation for this adventure was not as focused. But that's fine! An adventure it will be nonetheless. I'm anxious to connect with Christine at the airport, get through security, and get myself a glass of champagne!

On the plane--telescoping lights in business class on Air France--very odd looking. Next to 2 lovely gay guys from Austin who know more french than me. (A lot more, it turns out. They've been practicing for 15 months in anticipation of this trip.) This plane is huge. Tried to download a movie to the iPad but it didn't get it all. Don't know what I'll do first. Still not really "here" yet.

The flight attendants are very fancy with stylish eyeglasses. Watched Magnolia Hotel and got a glimpse of India, then a program on ecotourism in Brazil.

12:00 noon, Paris
Just spent a couple of hours in a coffee shop at the train station talking with Christine, waiting for our departure to Lyon. Camo-wearing security touting machine guns is a bit intimidating marching through the station. Cafe Aulait way yummy!

After wrestling to get our luggage on the train we are comfortable in our roomy seats and ready for a nap.

Oh my gosh! The french countryside!! Little collections of houses, maybe a church, sheep in the pasture with a little waterway passing through. They see this train slicing the horizon and wonder what the hurry is. Who would want that busy, hustle-bustle life? No sprawl or suburbs here--no density like in the city.

Crying baby. Tired, I can tell. I've been tuned in to the children here and how calm all the parents are.

6:00pm Lyon
Took the bus the wrong direction and turned around. Memories of getting kicked off the bus in Siena on the Italy trip. Now, first food and drink at Cafe 203. Great little intersection of skinny back roads...very hip. Lots of guys on scooter and skateboards in this city. A good amount of piercings. LOTS of very cool eyeglasses. Saw school kids get on the bus--love that. Met a french horn player in the Opera on the bus. Ordered a meat and cheese plate (shocker!) and some boujoulias (spell check isn't working).

Crashed out early to get up and at 'em to head to Avignon tomorrow and hopefully adjust to the time change. The city was beautiful to walk through at night. I guess it's the flood light capital of the world (??) but lots of pretty churches and bridges...quite a happening little spot, I'd say.


  1. I love Avignon...I'll be living vicariously through you and your postings!!

    Speaking of kids, it always amazed me how French children are, for the most part, really well behaved. Particularly when you see them having dinner with their family in a cafe at 10pm. They sit there nicely, engage in conversation, etc. At least that's the way it was when I was there...that was at least ten years ago.

    Anyway, glad you're having fun!! xo

  2. Love, love, love! Tres magnifique!

    Cannot wait to see the pictures. Your descriptions are exactly what I would imaging France to be. Calls for a lunch at C'est Moi when you return so I can live vicariously through you and you can reminisce on all the amazing memories you are making. Hope your trip is tres bien mon amie!
